eCorrespondence-Family Members
Family members who are 18 years or older are eligible for a DS Logon and can use it to sign in to milConnect to access their enrollment letters from the eCorrespondence page.
Family members can obtain a DS Logon by clicking Start Here next to "New User?" in the top right of the milConnect Home page.
Email notifications are sent to sponsors and family members, based on their My Profile settings in ID Card Office Online.
Family members can consent to having the DoD or VA send email notifications regarding correspondence to their primary personal email addresses.
Where applicable, family members can view, print, and save the following:
- TRICARE Enrollment Notification Letters (for current and future enrollments)
- Age 21 and Age 23 Eligibility Change Brochures
- Turning 65 Medicare Brochures
- Under 65 Medicare Brochures
- Disenrollment or Loss of Coverage Letters
See also
Viewing, Printing, and Saving Documents
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