OMPF Information Categories
You can request documents from your OMPF.
DPRIS categorizes OMPF information into four (4) groups:
- Service Computation Group: Documents that record Service entry and exit, length of service, service agreements, appointments, commissions, statements of cumulative service, and other similar time-specific data.
- SC1 DD214/DD215
- SC2 Service Verification/Computation
- SC3 Officer Appt/Termination
- SC4 Enlistment/Extensions
- SC5 Service Acknowledgement/Agt
- SC6 Discharge/Separation/Ret
- SC7 Casualty/Death
- SC8 Orders/Endorsements
- Performance Group: Documents that record a Service member's performance including evaluations, fitness reports, effectiveness reports, commendatory and derogatory items, and other similar performance-specific data.
- PG1 Performance Reports
- PG2 Commendatory Items
- PG3 Derogatory Items
- PG4 Sensitive/Restricted
- PG5 Photographs
- Professional History Group: Documents that record promotions, education, training, chronological listings of assignments, and other similar specific historical data.
- PG1 Performance Reports
- PG2 Commendatory Items
- PG3 Derogatory Items
- PG4 Sensitive/Restricted
- PG5 Photographs
- Administrative Group: Documents that record administrative actions or personal information regarding dependents, tuition assistance, medical and dental reports, insurance, and other miscellaneous administrative data.
- AG1 Dependant Support/Elig
- AG2 Personal History/Bio
- AG3 Loan/Tuition Assistance/Elig
- AG4 Change/Correction/Verification
- AG5 Medical/Physical/Exam/Findings
- AG6 Miscellaneous Admin Docs
- You can select all of each group or the individual sub-groups for your request. However, documents have been known to often be misfiled by the Service Repositories, so DPRIS recommends requesting all of each sub-group, if not your entire OMPF, to ensure that you receive the records you need.
See also
Defense Personnel Records Information (DPRIS)-Overview
Requesting Personnel File Documents
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