Deleting a Beneficiary

Select Benefits, Life Insurance (SOES-SGLI Online Enrollment System)

To delete a beneficiary:

  1. Click the Edit Beneficiaries tab, then click the delete button associated with the name of the beneficiary that you want to delete.
  2. In the Beneficiary Removal Requested message, click Yes. If other system messages display related to your situation, respond as appropriate.
  3. Click Save, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
    • To save changes and receive a Certificate of Coverage. two (2) conditions must be met: Each sponsor must have at least one (1) primary beneficiary. A beneficiary's percentage of shares cannot equal zero (0).

If deleting a beneficiary negates one (1) of the above conditions, the system requires that you fix the problem before you can save your changes.

See also

Adding a Beneficiary

Editing Beneficiary Details




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