Filling in Your eForm

Select DoD Transition Assistance Program (DoDTAP), Transition Documents

When you click Initialize Pre-Separation Counseling on the My Dashboard tab, the Transition Documents tab displays your eForm.

The top of the form shows that the eForm is in the Pre-Separation Counseling phase, the date the eForm was created, and the date it was last updated.

  • You can print, save, or close the form at any time.
  • If you close the form, the system displays the My Dashboard tab. To edit the form, click the eForm link on the My Dashboard tab.
  • The eForm contains three (3) sections, indicated by a section number and name on the blue collapsible bars.
  • Click a section name to show or hide the fields in the section.
  • You cannot sign the eForm until all the fields are complete.

I. Service Member Personal Information

Fill in Section I. Service Member Personal Information. Depending on your response, many of the fields in Section I display additional information in message boxes that display after you select an option.

Contact your Transition Assistance Counselor if you need help completing any of the fields.

II. Pre-Separation/Transition Counseling, Pre-Separation/Transition Counseling Needs Assessment, Review and Verification

Click the eForm in progress on the My Dashboard tab to open your eForm.

Section II contains a list of tasks that you are encouraged to complete within one (1) year of your transition from active duty. The top of Section II displays DoD policy information and links to an explanation of the CRS and the Pre-Separation Counseling Executive Summary.

Contact your Transition Assistance Counselor if you need help with any of the fields.

When the message at the top of the form says that all required fields have been entered, the eForm is ready for you to fill in section III. Signatures and Remarks.

III. Signatures and Remarks

You can save an eForm at any time, but you cannot sign it until all fields in Sections I and II are complete.

When you have completed sections I and II of the eForm, you can sign and lock it. This saves the eForm and makes it available for Pre-Separation counselors to review.

When the message at the top of the form says that all required fields have been entered, the eForm is ready for you to sign the Pre-Separation Counseling phase.

  1. Expand Section III. Signatures and Remarks.
  2. Respond to the questions in item 1 by clicking Yes or No.
  3. If you want to add a remark, enter or paste text into the text box and click Add Remarks. The remark is displayed in the Remarks table.
    • To edit a remark, click Edit. Change the text in the edit box, then click Save.
    • To delete a remark, click Delete.
  4. Click Click Here to Sign and Lock.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation message. A new message displays at the top of the form stating this phase has been completed, and to contact your counselor for the next steps.

The My Dashboard tab shows the Status is still In Progress and the Phase is still Pre-Separation Counseling.

A Pre-Separation counselor must review and sign the eForm. The My Dashboard tab will show the Phase is Capstone Review.






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