Enrolling in Dental Benefits

Select Benefits, Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE)

  1. On the Family Information page, click the Dental Enrollment tab to ensure that the Start Dental Enrollment button is available.
  2. Under the Family Member list, click Start Dental Enrollment.
  3. On the Enroll in TRICARE - Select Enrolling Family Members (Step 1 of 5) page, select one or more family members to enroll, then click Continue.
  4. On the Enroll in TRICARE - Address Verification page, confirm your address by clicking Continue, or click Edit Information to update your contact information.
  5. On the Acknowledgements page, select the checkboxes to acknowledge your responsibilities and click Continue.
    • If you need to update your address, click Edit Information, edit your information on the Update Address Information page, then click Continue.
  6. On the Enroll in TRICARE Dental - Select Plan page, select a plan if available, or view the default plan for each family member.
    • Select a plan start date from one of the eligible start dates in the drop-down list.
    • Click Continue.
  7. On the Enroll in TRICARE - Premiums page:
    • Read the instructions on the page and fill in the required fields, indicated by a red asterisk (*).
    • At the bottom, select a recurring payment option.
    • If you choose the EFT option, a section displays where you can fill in your financial institution information.
    • When you finish entering your financial information, click Continue.
  8. On the Enroll in TRICARE - Confirm Premium Payment Information page, confirm the payment information and the option you selected for recurring automatic monthly premiums. Click Continue.
  9. On the Enrollment Review page, verify the enrollment options and click Submit. The Enroll in TRICARE - Confirmation page displays a message stating that your request has been submitted, and describes what to do next.Click Home to return to the Family Members page.


To check the status of an enrollment:

  • Select a family member and view their coverage details on the Dental Enrollments tab.




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