Enrolling in Dental Benefits
- On the Family Information page, click the Dental Enrollment tab to ensure that the Start Dental Enrollment button is available.
- Under the Family Member list, click Start Dental Enrollment.
- On the Enroll in TRICARE - Select Enrolling Family Members (Step 1 of 5) page, select one or more family members to enroll, then click Continue.
- On the Enroll in TRICARE - Address Verification page, confirm your address by clicking Continue, or click Edit Information to update your contact information.
- On the Acknowledgements page, select the checkboxes to acknowledge your responsibilities and click Continue.
- If you need to update your address, click Edit Information, edit your information on the Update Address Information page, then click Continue.
- On the Enroll in TRICARE Dental - Select Plan page, select a plan if available, or view the default plan for each family member.
- Select a plan start date from one of the eligible start dates in the drop-down list.
- Click Continue.
- On the Enroll in TRICARE - Premiums page:
- Read the instructions on the page and fill in the required fields, indicated by a red asterisk (*).
- At the bottom, select a recurring payment option.
- If you choose the EFT option, a section displays where you can fill in your financial institution information.
- When you finish entering your financial information, click Continue.
- On the Enroll in TRICARE - Confirm Premium Payment Information page, confirm the payment information and the option you selected for recurring automatic monthly premiums. Click Continue.
- On the Enrollment Review page, verify the enrollment options and click Submit. The Enroll in TRICARE - Confirmation page displays a message stating that your request has been submitted, and describes what to do next.Click Home to return to the Family Members page.
To check the status of an enrollment:
- Select a family member and view their coverage details on the Dental Enrollments tab.
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