Confirm and Certify

Select Benefits, Life Insurance (SOES-SGLI Online Enrollment System)

When you have reviewed your coverage elections you are ready to preview and electronically sign your Certificate of Coverage. You can also save, print, and email the Certificate of Coverage document.

  1. When you are satisfied with the information on the Your Coverage tab, click Confirm & Certify.
  2. On the Confirm & Certify page, review the statements and select each checkbox.
  3. Click Continue. A Preview window opens in the milConnect window or a separate window, depending on your browser.
  4. When the preview is open, click Continue in the milConnect window. If necessary, select the option to open the file, then click Continue.
  5. In the Electronic Signature popup, enter your full name. A tool tip displays your name as it displays in DEERS. Use the same spelling.
  6. Enter the email address where you want to receive a confirmation email.
  7. Select the checkbox certifying that the information you provided is accurate.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. In the Effective Date popup, review the date and click OK.
  10. In the SGLI Certification Complete popup, click OK.
  11. To view, print, save, and/or email your certificate, click the Print/Save Certificate tab. 

See also

Printing and Saving Certificates




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